Thursday, 9 October 2014


Evening, Oil on Canvas, 18" X 14"
Reference Photo Courtesy: Olga Burczyk (
I did this one from a reference pic by Olga Burczyk who was really kind in letting me use her work. I have altered the background and colours to suit my theme.
All comments and critiques are most welcome. :)

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Grey Cap

Grey Cap, Charcoal on Paper, 15" X 11" 
I have not done charcoal for a while now. Did this one today morning from a small photo I had taken with my phone. I think the best part of charcoal is that one need not worry about colour and can concentrate on getting the values perfectly right. I am never too confident with my colour and prefer to atleast stay loyal to the values. Its precisely for this that charcoal is a relief for me after a series of failed paintings ;)